Tuesday, January 27, 2004

wheat grass juice

I just drank something that is called the wheat grass juice and... am about to be sick.

"What is a power shot of wheat grass juice", you might ask?
"It's the freshly-squeezed juice from young wheat which provides the same benefit as eating a two-pound salad", I might answer.
"Plus, it helps to increase the body's stamina, aids digestion, reduces cravings for addictive substances, improves fertility, makes bowel movements regular and eases every physical and mental ailment you may have."

How cool, but why does it make me heave???? But hey, since I'm all for increased stamina and regular bowel movements, I guess I'll go in for another shot tomorrow.

It just seems to get colder and colder in this damn country and this damn city. I walked a hundred blocks down to Christopher street and back on Sunday - on all the east side avenues and Broadway. It made me contemplate buying a face mask, the one that makes you look like a moron.

Right this moment..., today this town is not doing it for me.

52 and counting

Thursday, January 22, 2004

aren't you glad?

Another day, another sunset to die for.
And as I am yet to pour my first drink I can honestly say that I've been effective and efficient today.

Oh...there's something that cracks me up.
Have you seen the toilet tissue and holders in public toilets that say:
"Katrin - The less is more..."
Pardon, but.... less of what is more?... Slogans that make absolutely no sense.

We've got ones here at work that say......."Aren't you glad you use Dial?"
What??? Aren't I glad I'm using Dial? Wait. What. What the what?!

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

glowing red

For seven years I've been wishing my life away. For seven years I have been living for a moment in future.
Hours and days and months do not matter for as long as I get through them to...
do whatever it is that I'm so looking forward to do...

I mark my calendar and nothing else matters. It's hard and above all - wasteful.
I'm doing it again.

I moved into my apartment over the weekend.
For two days I cleaned and scrubbed.
I found a dead cockroach on my bedroom floor.
Seriously, an awkward situation - I'm scared to death of cockroaches.

I also made mental note of the local licquer store being closed on Sundays - you know...it's good to know.

I'm enjoying a glass of wine and a million dollar sunset over the highrises...
There are stars in my sky
And the planes that come in like UFO's
The Empire State is glowing red tonight...

Thursday, January 15, 2004

desolate places

For the time being taking the regular scheduling to NYC, USA

Still jetlagged I sit in my office, eat my lunch and stare out the window. I tower over lower Manhattan. I can see into your bedroom... Honestly, I can.
I dont appreciate this city. I dont appreciate the daily commute that takes me right past the Empire State Building - twice.

This town breaks my heart in every possible way ten times over. And over and over. Do you know that every night I go to bed with your photo and every morning I tell it that I love you? I hardly ever tell you of the pain. I just spent the two most amazing weeks with you.
Instead I feel hungry all the time...

And then there's the snow, and the cold and my apartment that looks over many other things but other than that is not really that nice...

So is this really it? What am I doing it for? Can I please go home now.