Monday, July 31, 2006

broken vol. 2

If pain as such is a way for a body to let its owner know of a severe malfunction and/or trauma, then I guess mine has made its point. Could we ease up with the excruciating pain already. Please.

I knew I was in trouble when out of inertia my bare shins, new skates, skin suit and watch ploughed the tarmac for a good meter.

And somehow the moment it got slammed on the floor I also knew that my sore thumb was much more than just a sore thumb. It was a broken thumb.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

if god made you he's in love with me

What a horrible god damn week this has been.
The negativity that hangs in the air and that, amongst other places, seeps from my own self is just overwhelming.
Sometimes I wish I could.
Give up selfishness and desire and live on a higher level. Of some sort. Walk barefoot in the snow on a mountain in Tibet. Have my teeth fall out, my skin turn black.

As if.

And what a difference a smile makes. A view. Smell of the sea. Chit-chat with a cashier girl.

My excess bone and your ripped flesh, comparing notes. The skates that kill us.

You save me, and you have no idea.