I was driving and you were sitting next to me. Holding my hand, asleep, tortured and tired. You were dead beautiful and I was in a right state… wanting to crawl up underneath and inside your skin. To get closer. To feel closer.
I was looking at the sky and the traces of the sun reflecting an eerie pink light. My mind was as sharp as a knife and in my heart there was nothing but you. And right that moment - not a single other thing mattered.

We were going through the fog as I wanted to touch it - it seemed as solid as you - yet somehow elusive, just like you sitting next to me asleep and away... somewhere...
Dead beautiful.
I love you babes!
minu arust on see laul nii zemfiralik. eriti need 2 esimest rida. sõnad ka. kuigi sõnad vist on ikka kornei enda poolt, lugesin välja plaadiümbriselt. igatahes hakkan nüüd vist seda kuulama :)
Nüüd on minu kord "Ahhhhhh" ütelda :) Ja neetud, ma olen selle Dana asja pärast nii masendunud. Lollid kirjutajad ja produtsendid. Mida kuradit nad mõtlesid?!? Ma vihkan neid.
a ma armastan teid!!!
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