Tuesday, April 13, 2004

rain over manhattan

It rained hard over Manhattan last night. It was dark and it smelt of spring and fertile earth... and concrete. I was walking home, beetroot leaves dangling out of the shopping bag. What is the secret of a delicious beetroot salad? I thought I'd get the beets first and figure the salad out later. I also got a jar of German sauerkraut.

The volume of plastic bags one is assigned to at any store here is kind of overwhelming. I always ask them to downsize. Give me smaller, give me fewer. It's the guilt thing, I know I'm not supposed to consume that much. I do not NEED so many.

Did you know that Time Square turned 100 last week? Did you know that over 2 million teenagers in the US get plastic surgery every year to resemble their favourite movie or pop star? Did you know that our office building swings in the wind? It creaks a lot and aloud as it does so. It is totally possible to get seasick in the toilets.

And yeah, Timeline is out on dvd today!!! Excitement!

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