I never thought it would come to this... I go to bed at night and I wake in the morning and realise....
I miss New York.
To the world New York City equals Manhattan, to me Manhattan equals a borough of revolving doors and public transport. And a home on the East side that comes with the Chrysler building and police cars blinking their police lights on the FDR drive. Always.
The noise has got me hooked on earplugs to a degree that I can't do without. To this day. Every night.
Through the front door and down the steps at the park to the cross-town bus, and to scaffolding that would stretch whole city blocks and more if you knew which way to turn and where to cross to get to walk to work without an umbrella. I still think that New York should be the Windy City.
Time Square is my friend that has, in its plastic authenticity, saved me from myself... at least twice. And I don't care if they say that it's the worst the city's got to offer, because it's not and because it's the reality of that town in the realness of time that is real to that place and that place only.
Ummm. If you know what I mean.
There's a certain beauty in loneliness and pain. And there's something dismissive about happiness. You can either be this or you can be that in this city.
New York does black, and it does white.
But it doesn't do in the middle...